" Happiness is all about embracing your own self with Love, Creativity and Passion. "


Love is eternal, be it ever for a person or work both will throw you in a blissful state. Therefore, do what you love to do as love is the only medicine that will keep you happy in your toughest time or when you feel devastated.


Compassion makes you a problem solver. Be compassionate to everyone and your self will get embraced with joy & happiness. 


Creativity is all about finding an organized pattern within an unorganized pattern. And this leads to Creative Disruption.


Passion is all about religiously following and practicing that thing or domain which a person can do without any reason at any instance of time.


Trust Me, you have the power to become less ordinary - Just believe in Yourself!

TEDx - 'CKC' The Secret to become less Ordinary

'The Dot Putter Show'
From Ordinary To Less Ordinary

'Register For Live Session'
A Right trigger for Success