• ckc
    " The Secret To Become Less Ordinary "


Success is all about defeating your own self which brings ultimate satisfaction as you become your own master, and all other materialistic achievements comes in your basket as a by-product.


'C' - Clarity

The very important factor which I realized to become less ordinary.


'K' - Knowledge

To me success means acquiring infinite knowledge.


'C' - Conviction

I developed a Conviction for my work. Conviction is the master key to unlock the doors of success.

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This is not just a talk rather a living experience from the manifestation & realisation that how Clarity, Knowledge & Conviction is the symbolism of Tridev - Brahma, Vishnu & Shiva.

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Trust Me, you have the power to become less ordinary - Just believe in Yourself!

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TEDx - 'CKC' The Secret to become less Ordinary

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'The Ujjwal Show Podcast'
From Ordinary To Less Ordinary

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