Top 10 Best Motivational Audiobooks to Boost Your Life and Business.
We all know that life isn’t always fair and easy but it should always move on. During my interaction with the youth of this country I came in close contact with all kinds of young people, some who know how to cope up on their own in cases where they lack motivation, while there are some who don’t find the right solution to exit a not so pleasing condition of mind. There are times when doing the basic chores can be a daunting task or choosing the right plan for your business can be a tiresome job and at times like this all you need is a voice of motivation, a voice that will fill you up with passion, desire and energy to take action. And I think audiobooks are an effective medium for that.
Here’s a list of top 10 best motivational audiobooks for your life and business which I think will be very helpful and will make you stop at times and say, “Oh wait, I really needed to hear this!”
1. Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki.

“You’re only poor if you give up. The most important thing is that you did something. Most people only talk and dream of getting rich. You’ve done something.” – Robert T. Kiyosaki.
This audiobook tells one how to escape the day-to-day rat race. With its different approach to money this book is extremely motivating. I really think this book can do wonders for network marketing people with its simple and efficient techniques of expanding your finances. Robert in his book explains why the rich become richer and the poor become poorer. He asks us to be financially literate in order to move forward and the importance of having financial freedom.
2. Eat That Frog! By Brian Tracy.

“One of the very worst uses of time is to do something very well that needs not to be done at all.”-
Brian Tracy.
I have evidenced the seer tendency of procrastinating amongst the youth. But this book will tell you incredible ways in which you can stop procrastinating and boost your productivity. This simple yet powerful book asks us to manage our time and tasks based on the essence of it. Brian advises you to do your most daunting task first and to plan wisely each day’s task beforehand without fooling yourself. He teaches us to live a systematic life with determination and hard work. Brian’s simple yet efficient techniques like making a to-do list, doing the important work first, updating our key skills and many more helps us in improving our personal effectiveness.
3. THE 10X RULE by Grant Cardone

“Success tends to bless those who are most committed to giving it the most attention.”- Grant Cardone.
With something unique in each chapter, Grant made this audiobook quite fun to listen to. The 10X rule book is all about taking 10X actions to what you think is needed to achieve your goals and to set 10X more targets than what you think you can achieve. This incredible book came as a handy to me that asked me to make massive changes in life to achieve success. Grant asks you to take a step at a time in changing the course of your daily activities which will amount to 10X more productivity!
4. The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg.

“Change might not be fast and it isn’t always easy. But with time and effort, almost any habit can be
reshaped.”- Charles Duhigg.
This audiobook talks about how a habit can change your life. It tells you how willpower is finite and keeps on depleting throughout the day making choices difficult. Charles talks about how we all can change our old habits and inculcate new ones. This book will make us introspect and watch our habits which will in turn help us in various aspects of life. It states that our decisions are actually based on our habits that result in our actions. This book helps you and advises you to change your bad habits and take your good ones to another level!
5. You Are a Badass by Jen Sincero

“If you’re serious about changing your life, you’ll find a way. If you’re not, you’ll find an excuse.”- Jen
Highly relatable, this audiobook will make you laugh and tell you how amazing and unique you are!
This book is a kick to remind you to not only just want things but to truly go after them with the faith and belief that you deserve it. This highly motivational and inspirational audio book includes real life experiences and stories. Jen did an amazing job with this book and there will be times when you will wonder how incredible we are in our own way. I assure you that this book will urge you to go out of your way and improve your life.
6. See You at the Top by Zig Ziglar.

“You must have a goal because it’s just as difficult to reach a destination you don’t have, as it is to come back from a place you’ve never been.”- Zig Ziglar.
The insightful lessons that Zig shares in his book can easily be applied in our day-to-day life. This incredible audiobook is highly motivational and one must listen to it! It will advise you with the most interesting techniques in order to move ahead and achieve your much desired outcome. Ziglar’s motivational words will move you to the core and make you work for it. And if you want to see yourself at the top, you should definitely put this on your list!
7. The 4-hour workweek by Timothy Ferriss.

“What we fear doing most is usually what we most need to do.” – Timothy Ferriss.
This audiobook is the perfect one to listen to if you want to change your life, if you want to escape this 9-5 rat race and live a life truly! This book tells you to organise your projects, value your time and with it brings a new lifestyle. Timothy in this book puts the importance on working on things that are important to you rather than focusing on useless things, being productive should be the main aim rather than working tirelessly without any definite outcome. This book tells us to overcome our fear of facing challenges, instead one must make sure to do something every day they fear to do and this way one can achieve a meaningful existence!
8. Crush It! By Gary Vaynerchuk.

“Quality is a tremendous filter. Cream always rises, my friends, no matter how many cups of coffee you pour.” – Gary Vaynerchuk.
Gary gives you strategies that will upbeat both your life and your business. His inspiring words of turning your passion into your career will inspire you to your core just the way it did to me. He asks you to be honest, patient and authentic in order to follow your passion. Gary talks about the power of ONE, how if there is only one person in your audience that too is a day to celebrate because he tells us to believe in the power of word and how much it can reach out. His personal stories of ups and downs and finally achieving success make this one of the inspirational audiobooks for boosting both, your life and your business!
9. Getting Things Done by David Allen.

“If you don’t pay appropriate attention to what has your attention, it will take more of your attention than it deserves.” – David Allen
If you want an audiobook that will boost your productivity, go for this one! The two-minute task in this book is an instant giveaway. David in his book says that if a task can be done within two minutes one should definitely do it and the results are mind blowing. David advises you to make a strategic plan of all the things that need to be done and discipline the self to be sure of the next actions you will perform. His motivational stories and strategies will ask you to focus on living a systematic and disciplined life.
10. Quiet by Fearne Cotton.

“We are all brimming with inner wisdom and are naturally experts in our specialist subject: ourselves”- Fearne Cotton.
Managing your negative thoughts can be hard, but Fearne in this audiobook makes sure to give you the best advice to overcome your unwanted thoughts and move towards a life filled with positivity. The interactive activities in this book help you to overcome your barriers and unravel the workings of mind. This book with her experiences shows us how important it is to limit the outside noise and listen to your inner voice. This motivating audiobook asks you to drown the noise that says you are not good enough and instead asks you to believe in the self!
To me these audiobooks have been of immense help and I think so it will be for all of you. So, get your headphones untangled and put on the book of your choice, who knows maybe it will be the game changer of your life!