Constitution Day, also known as Sanvidhan Divas, is celebrated in India in honour of Dr.B.R. Ambedkar. The day when India was no longer under the hegemony of the Britishers drafted its constitution.
Constitution Day, also known as Sanvidhan Divas, is celebrated in India in honour of Dr.B.R. Ambedkar. The day when India was no longer under the hegemony of the Britishers drafted its constitution.
The birthday of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, a great Indian leader, is celebrated as Children’s Day. He worked great for the well being of children as well as youngsters after the Independence of India. He was very affectionate towards
This is dedicated to all my lovely friends and loved ones ! [wpdevart_youtube]HJ9uz_CqrtE[/wpdevart_youtube]
Finally, the whole country celebrated the festival of lights with great zest illuminating thousands of electric lamps, embracing each other offering sweets, exploding crackers in the endless sky. While the whole country seemed occupied in celebrating the festival with their near and dear ones our ‘Real Heroes’ of the society unlike others were planning to […]
A week before Diwali, keep your car/bike stocked with small boxes of Mithai, eatables or any other useful items that comes in day to day use.